On May 6-8, 2024, the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (UNY) held an inbound visiting professor program which presented Assoc. Prof. Ferry Jie, PhD, FCILT, FCES. This program is part of the Enhancing Quality Education for International University Recognition (EQUITY) program which aims to increase student knowledge in the field of Production Systems.

During the program, Prof. Ferry Jie provided important materials such as Agile Manufacturing, Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Inventory Management, Material Handling, and Physical Warehouse Management. Prof. Ferry Jie's expertise in the field of Supply Chain Management (SCM), especially in the agricultural sector in Australia, as well as Operation Management made every class session very valuable for the students.

Students were very enthusiastic in attending the classes led by Prof. Ferry Jie. He emphasized the importance of Supply Chain Management in improving operational efficiency and competitive advantage. According to Prof. Ferry Jie, supply chain is the backbone of a company's operations as it covers the entire process from suppliers to customers. Good supply chain management can help companies reduce costs, improve product quality, and speed up delivery times.

In addition to delivering the material, Prof. Ferry Jie also provided opportunities for students to actively participate in group discussions. Students were asked to create a supply chain model that includes upstream (suppliers), downstream (distribution to customers), and internal (internal company processes) of a company. Then, each group presented the results of their discussion, which was assessed by Prof. Ferry Jie.

This activity not only provides new insights for students, but also trains them to think critically and analytically in designing and managing supply chains. With direct guidance from Prof. Ferry Jie, it is hoped that UNY Industrial Engineering students can be better prepared to face challenges in the industrial world.

This program is one of the efforts of the Faculty of Engineering UNY to continue to improve the quality of education and student learning experiences through collaboration with experts from various fields. With activities like this, UNY is committed to producing graduates who are competent and ready to compete at the global level.