The Dreamagination Flying Robot Team of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) made another achievement by winning 5 championships at once in the 2023 Indonesian Flying Robot Contest (KRTI) organized by the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology on 22-26 September 2023.

Dreamagination UNY Flying Robot is divided into 3 divisions and five subdivisions that participated in the 2023 Indonesian Flying Robot Contest (KRTI). The divisions include Racing Plane, Vertical Take Off And Landing (VTOL) and Technology Development. The subdivisions include Airframe Innovation, Flight Controller Development, Propulsion System Development ESC / ECU, Propulsion System Development Propeller and Ground Control Station (GCS).

The achievements of Dreamagination UNY Flying Robot are 1st place Racing Plane, 2nd place Propulsion System Development (ESC/ECU), 1st runner-up Airframe Innovation, 1st runner-up Ground Control Station (GCS) and 1st runner-up Flight Controller (FC). “We managed to bring home 5 champions in the KRTI Competition in 2023” said Ariadie Chandra Nugraha, ST., MT. as the Supervisor of KRTI UNY.

The Racing Plane (Rejection) team consists of Abdul Zaid Fatullah from the Mechatronics Engineering Education study program, Evandra Aryadinatha from the Mechatronics Engineering Education study program, Hafidz Rafli Fadhillah from the Mechatronics Engineering Education study program, Ilham Ananta Baharudin from the Electrical Engineering study program, Johannes Arya Bhima Sena from the Manufacturing Engineering study program, Muhammad Arya Widiantoro from the Manufacturing Engineering study program, Nurud Afifah from the D4 Electronics Engineering study program, Sema Auria Amanda Saputri from the Electrical Engineering Education study program, Azizah Hadiyyatil Maula from the Electrical Engineering Education study program, Indra Kurniawan from the Electrical Engineering study program Nyi Ajeng Sri Widara Wulan from the Electrical Engineering Education study program with supervisor Yuwono Indro Hatmojo, S. . Pd, M.Eng. with the theme of the plane, namely “F.A.T (Fast And on Track)”

The Az-Zawra Biantara team in the Propulsion ESC subdivision consists of Edra Jayeng Katon from the Mechatronics Engineering Education study program, Bayu Angga Rahadi from the D4 Electronics Engineering study program, Rohan Septi Salmanda from the Electrical Engineering study program, Bagus Rian Maulana from the Electronics Engineering Education study program, Muhammad Rizqulloh Akbar from the Electrical Engineering study program, Anggun Nur Azizah from the Mechatronics Engineering Education study program, Runny Indo Saputri from the Physics study program, Derizqiadi Thoriq from the D4 Electronics Engineering study program with supervisors Nurman Setiawan, M. Eng. and Oktaf Agni Dhewa, M.Cs. The innovation made is an Intelligent Electronic Speed Controller with AIoT support.

The Airframe Innovation sub division consists of Ikhlasul Amal Romadhoni from the Electrical Engineering Education study program, Akbar Arrazaq from the Mechatronics Engineering Education study program, Alfino Hokkey Ramadhani from the Manufacturing Engineering study program, Pius Calfin Alfian Nugroho from the Manufacturing Engineering study program, Muhammad Iqbal Alfariz from the Electrical Engineering Education study program, Dzikra Nura Dien from the Electronics Engineering Education study program, Sasa Andhika from the D4 Electrical Engineering study program, Andreas Hosea Patty from the Mechatronics Engineering Education study program and Luqman Amienun Najib from the D4 Mechanical Engineering with supervisors Rohjai Badarudin, M. Pd. Pd. and Dr. Ir. Mujiyono, M.T., IPU. The innovation made is a Flywing Aircraft Made from Hemp Fiber Composite.

The Flight Controller Development sub division consists of Ahmad Nurdin Santosa from the Electronics Engineering Education study program, Aldhi Febrianto from the D4 Electronics Engineering study program, Furqon Taufiq Hidayat from the Electrical Engineering study program, Raihan Haikal Abrar from the Electronics Engineering Education study program, Charly Ridhwan Manurung from the Electrical Engineering Education study program, Laurentius Gabriel from the Mechatronics Engineering Education study program, Ricovaldo Dzika Susilo from the D4 Civil Engineering study program, Alfian Yudisurya from the Electrical Engineering Education study program, Rahmah Rizky Rufaidah from the Electrical Engineering Education study program with a supervisor Oktaf Agni Dhewa, M. Cs. Innovations made by Autonomous Flight Controller with LQR-JST control that is Robust and Adaptive Control.

The Ground Control Station sub division consists of Fathi Muhammad Nawa from the Information Technology study program, Damar Albaribin Syamsu from the Informatics Engineering Education study program, Khoirul Muttaqin from the History Education study program, Surya Agung Saputra from the Informatics Engineering Education study program, Akhil Oktanto from the D4 Electronics Engineering study program, Andi Prasetyo from the D4 Electronics Engineering study program, Nurani Rosyid from the Accounting Education study program and Ayuni Nawangsih Aspurianto from Special Education with supervisors Oktaf Agni Dhewa, M. Cs. and Ardy Seto Priambodo, S.T., M.Eng. The innovation made is the Cloud Base Ground Control Station (GCS).

One of the team members, Indra Kurniawan, said that the team's preparation in participating in the KRTI competition was very well prepared. It takes about 6 months starting from the beginning of April until the race in August followed by national level preparation in September. “For approximately 6 months we tried to maximize the time in making innovations in the field of unmanned object technology and began to design the vehicle very carefully,” said Indra Kurniawan.

“In Technology Development we design innovations that can be used for divisions so that they are interrelated, such as flight controllers that can be used by the Propulsion ESC team, then GCS tools that can be used by the Propulsion ESC team and hemp fiber materials used by the Airframe team can be used by the whole team and hemp fiber made by the Propulsion Propeller team can be used by the whole team by considering resistance to damage to the aircraft” said Aldhi Febrianto as team leader Az-Zawra Biantara.

We would like to thank our friends from UNY Robotics, UKM Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University who have helped support activities in participating in the 2023 Indonesian Flying Robot Contest (KRTI) competition and supervising lecturers who have supported and provided support so that we can win the championship. Hopefully next year, UNY Flying Robot Team can continue to improve its performance in national and international competitions.