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Students from the Faculty of Engineering Yogyakarta State University Present Covid-19 Emergency Response Post
The corona virus pandemic has affected various sectors, one of which is education where the virus causes teaching and learning activities in schools and campuses to be carried out online as in Yogyakarta State University. On the other hand, many Yogyakarta State University students who come from outside the area cannot go home or go home according to the government's request. This condition makes it difficult for them to fulfill their daily needs because in addition to being confronted with the covid plague 19, outbound access is also limited, and many stalls are closed. This is compounded by the increasingly difficult economic conditions.
The Yogyakarta State University also continues to strive with a variety of assistance in the form of groceries, but because the number of students affected is quite a lot so that they cannot cover everything. This caused the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Engineering Yogyakarta State University to move.
Initiated by the Carabiner Community and Nature Lover Faculty Activity Unit, Covid-19 Emergency Response Post was present to assist as many overseas students under the coordination of the Vice Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, Darmono, M.Pd.
Jamaludin Winarhadi Kusumo, as the coordinator explained that the post was located in the KPLT Building, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University Lt. 1 aims to record the students of the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University who cannot return to their respective regions and as soon as possible provide assistance to fulfill basic needs.
"This post raises funds from lecturer and staff contributions from the Yogyakarta State University Faculty of Engineering and various donors," he explained.
This post was run in two sessions, namely the first session is calculated starting from Saturday-Sunday (4-5 / 4/2020) and the second session on Wednesday-Friday (8-10 / 4/2020).
A total of 217 food packages have been distributed to 129 students who were recorded as well as logistical assistance to the Darush Shalihat Islamic Boarding School in Pogung Baru Blok F Melati, Sleman, Yogyakarta for 86 students. (Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University) (Steven)

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