Rosemary Robot won second place in the 2023 National Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) at the Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI), which was held offline on June 22–25, 2023, at the University of Semarang (USM), attended by 191 universities with 393 teams divided into 7 categories.

KRI is a design and engineering competition in the field of robotics organized by the National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. There are seven categories, namely the Indonesian ABU Robot Contest (KRAI), Indonesian SAR Robot Contest (KRSRI), Indonesian Wheeled Football Robot Contest (KRSBI), Humanoid Indonesian Football Robot Contest (KRSBI), Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI), Indonesian Thematic Robot Contest (KRTMI), and Indonesian Underwater Robot Contest (KRBAI).

Rosemary consists of two beautiful humanoid twin robots that can dance according to this year's KRSTI theme, namely the Denok Dance, which originates from Semarang, Central Java. The Denok dance was successfully performed with agility and flexibility by these 2 twin robots. Team Leader Rosemery, Dotu Warga Sakti, said that preparations were not only made for the two robots but also for the quality of the team.

The Rosemary Team's journey can reach this stage, starting from the stage of sending proposals to prospective KRI participating teams. Teams that pass the first stage of proposal selection take part in the second stage of selection by showing their robot appearance online, either by sending a video of their appearance or by showing their robot in real-time via video conference.

After that, the participants were divided into 2 regions, the Rosemary Team itself was in Region I. This regional stage selection was carried out to select robot teams that would be invited to attend live or offline at the 2023 National Level Indonesian Robot Contest at the University of Semarang (USM). The UNY Rosemary Team succeeded in winning 1st place in the Regional Level Indonesian Dance Robot Contest, so they were able to take part in the National Level Indonesian Dance Robot Contest.

At the national level, the UNY Rosemary Team competed with 17 teams from 17 different universities throughout Indonesia. The Rosemary Team's efforts paid off by winning second place in the National Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI).

Dotu Warga Sakti, the team leader, expressed his gratitude for this extraordinary achievement. "Efforts will not betray the results. Alhamdulillah, we are very grateful for this achievement. We would also like to thank all parties involved from the preparation to implementation of the Indonesian Dance Robot Contest," he said.

The Rosemary Team, which took part in the 2023 National Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) at the Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI) at the University of Semarang, was attended by 16 active students from various departments and a supervisory lecturer. Dr. Herlambang Sigit Pramono, S.T., M.Cs as supervisor lecturer and as team members namely, Advisor - Irwan Ardiansyah (Electronics Engineering), Leandra Okta Nur Pratama (Electrical Engineering), Safitri Yuliana Utama (Electronics Engineering), Chair - Dotu Warga Sakti (Electronics Engineering), Manager - Durrotun Berliana (Mechatronics Engineering), Gheafni Fatikha Tassa (Mechatronics Engineering), and Khofifah Diah Febrianti (Mechatronics Engineering), Motion Programmer - Nurlaila Umi Hasanah (Chemistry) and Ditra Syahrukh Mukhodam (Electrical Engineering), Hardware Programmer - Zakif Fatkul Irsad (Electrical Engineering) and Nur Afiani Qonina (Mechatronics Engineering), Mechanic Engineer - Romi Efendi (Electrical Engineering), Electronics Engineer - Khafiizh Ahmad Mu'izz (Mechatronics Engineering), Radinka Pangestu Yustiarto (Electronics Engineering), Adhitya Ari Yudha (Electronics Engineering), Artistic - Alfia Wima Khairany (Fashion Engineering)

Dotu Warga Sakti, the team leader, expressed his gratitude for this extraordinary achievement. "Efforts will not betray the results. Alhamdulillah, we are very grateful for this achievement. We would also like to thank all parties involved from preparation to implementation of the Indonesian Dance Robot Contest," he said.

The Rosemary Team, which took part in the 2023 National Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) at the Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI) at the University of Semarang, was attended by 16 active students from various departments and a supervisory lecturer. Dr. Herlambang Sigit Pramono, S.T., M.Cs as supervisor lecturer and as team members namely, Advisor - Irwan Ardiansyah (Electronics Engineering), Leandra Okta Nur Pratama (Electrical Engineering), Safitri Yuliana Utama (Electronics Engineering), Chair - Dotu Warga Sakti (Electronics Engineering), Manager - Durrotun Berliana (Mechatronics Engineering), Gheafni Fatikha Tassa (Mechatronics Engineering), and Khofifah Diah Febrianti (Mechatronics Engineering), Motion Programmer - Nurlaila Umi Hasanah (Chemistry) and Ditra Syahrukh Mukhodam (Electrical Engineering), Hardware Programmer - Zakif Fatkul Irsad (Electrical Engineering) and Nur Afiani Qonina (Mechatronics Engineering), Mechanic Engineer - Romi Efendi (Electrical Engineering), Electronics Engineer - Khafiizh Ahmad Mu'izz (Mechatronics Engineering), Radinka Pangestu Yustiarto (Electronics Engineering), Adhitya Ari Yudha (Electronics Engineering), Artistic - Alfia Wima Khairany (Fashion Engineering).