Implementation of Cooperation between FT UNY and UTHM Malaysia

The Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) and Tun Hussein Onn University Malaysia (UTHM) implemented the cooperation that had been agreed between the two parties. The activities carried out on this occasion were in the form of Visiting Professor or Guest Lecturer activities in the Master of Electrical Engineering Education (S2 PTE) and S1 Automotive Engineering Education (S1 PTO) Study Programs. Acting as VP from UTHM is Prof. Madya. Ts. Affero bin Ismail who also serves as Head of the Digital Information Center at UTHM.

Visiting professor activities were carried out from May 19-23, 2024 at the Faculty of Engineering UNY. The activity began with a discussion between UTHM lecturers and lecturers of S2 PTE and S1 PTO study programs. The discussion was related to current issues regarding the preparation of vocational teachers and also curriculum development to improve the competence of prospective educators in vocational schools. Dr. Ir. Gunadi, M.Pd as the Head of the Automotive Engineering Education Department expressed his hope that the collaboration carried out could also continue to be improved up to collaboration between lecturers for industrial internships, joint research, and joint publications.

After that, on May 20, 22 and 22, 2024, offline lecture activities were held. Lecture topics about the development of the digital world and artificial intelligence which greatly affects the teaching and learning process activities and also affects the way of life and learning styles of students. As stated by Prof. Madya. Ts. Affero bin Ismail, the use of AI at this time can produce writing, transcribe text to voice, make songs, and even make videos just by giving commands to the application. This extraordinary development certainly has good and bad impacts that will be greatly influenced by its users.

Cooperation implementation activities carried out can run smoothly according to what has been planned. The activities carried out on this occasion provided positive results, especially for students who gained international exposure experience and new knowledge. Students who take part in this activity also hope to get the opportunity to study directly at UTHM and interact with students in Malaysia.