Faculty of Engineering UNY and Biak Numfor District Education Office Sign MoA to Improve Teacher Competence

Yogyakarta, October 20, 2023 - The Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) and the Education and Culture Office of Biak Numfor Regency, Papua, have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) during a comparative study visit aimed at increasing the capacity of teachers and students in the regency.

The Head of the Biak Numfor District Education and Culture Office, Mr. Kamarrudin, gave a speech during the event. In his remarks, he expressed his determination to improve the quality of education in his region, both in terms of knowledge, competence and skills. To realize this goal, the Education Office of Biak Numfor Regency is trying to establish cooperation with FT UNY.

According to Mr. Kamarrudin, cooperation with FT UNY will help alumni students and educators in Biak Regency to compete in the job market, both at the national and international levels. He also emphasized the importance of establishing a sustainable relationship and that the signing of the MOA is the first step in the effort.

In this meeting, the Vice Dean for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni of FT UNY, Prof. Dr. Edy Supriyadi, M. Pd., representing the Dean of FT UNY, Prof. Dr. Mutiara Nugraheni, S. TP., M. Si., welcomed the visit from the Education and Culture Office of Biak Numfor Regency with enthusiasm. Prof. Edy explained that the Automotive Department at FT UNY is in great demand and ready to work together.

One of the areas of cooperation expressed was related to pedagogical training and teacher competence. The Automotive Department at FT UNY will assist the Biak Numfor Regency Education Office in this regard. Through the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program, the experience of working, teaching, and lectures that have been taken at previous education levels can be harmonized, so that educators can improve their qualifications to the S1-S3 level.

The discussion in this meeting also included cooperation between FT UNY and the directorate of SMK PK to Timika, Papua. Hopefully with this collaboration, the competence of students and educators in schools can continue to increase through the RPL program.

FT UNY is also ready to provide various types of training needed by the Biak Numfor Regency Education Office, including specialized technical training such as electronic injection. In addition, additional expertise programs will also be offered, especially for undergraduate students who have taken courses related to the automotive world. With an additional year of learning at FT UNY, students can prepare themselves to become automotive engineering teachers in vocational schools.

This meeting is expected to open a closer network and cooperation between FT UNY and the Education and Culture Office of Biak Numfor Regency, especially in the automotive study program, RPL learning, and training for vocational teachers. This cooperation is expected to provide great benefits in improving the quality of education and teacher competence in Biak Numfor Regency. (Atika)