Capacity Building of Snack Procedures in Kricak Tegalrejo Morning Market, Yogyakarta

As a Tourism City, Yogyakarta has several tourism potentials including: cultural tourism, nature tourism, shopping tourism, and culinary tourism. One of the business activities based on the people's economy is the sale of snacks as a side dish or dessert.
Currently, snacks are not only found in traditional markets, but can also be found in cake shops, roadside and hotels, as a side dish or snack. Usually, traditional cake businesses prefer to accept cake sales in the form of orders. With the home industry sector, it can help the local government in an effort to empower active and productive human resources and increase family income and regional income.
The existence of the Karangwaru Tegalrejo Jogyakarta morning market from the past until now is quite a lot of public interest, most of which is taken by middlemen, made to order or bought by consumers directly. Currently, there is an association of food sellers with around 70 members. The majority already have customers, so business competition is likely and safe and able to compete. Problems encountered in organizing food are negative. However, it is still common to find unsold food, causing losses for producers. This can happen because the quality of the product is not good in taste, color, and appearance. In addition, there are now shop-shaped sellers that are open from morning to night. Therefore, snack producers are required to be able to make quality product standards, namely good, clean snacks are 1) a lack of knowledge and skills to make quality and clean snack product standards 2) a lack of knowledge about good and safe food. 3) Lack of knowledge and in applying packaging. 4) lack of marketing reach.
The Department of Food and Fashion Engineering Education, especially the Culinary Education Study Program is a department that has strategic potential in providing skills and knowledge in the culinary field to the community. Therefore, training can be done by providing knowledge and skills to improve the quality of snack products and in expanding marketing reach.
The event began in the morning with the participants from Karangwaru Village arriving at the Karangwaru GOR socialization location and opening up to discussions related to market snacks. The opening was attended by 25 participants from Karangwaru Village, starting with the conditioning of participants by the PKM Team of Lecturers and Students, as well as the delivery of the schedule for implementing activities by Dewi Eka Murniati, S.E., M.M., Ph.D. The event began with a speech by Prof. Dr. Dra. Marwanti, M.Pd. as the Head of the PKM team accompanied by Dr. Dra. Badraningsih Lastariwati, M.kes, and Aulia Wijayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. opened by Pak Anggit Safrudin as the head of Karangwaru Village and the last speech by Drs. Marsadi as the chairman of the Market Vendors and Snacks Association (PPJP).
The meeting was held at GOR Karangwaru bringing the products that are commonly produced and sold. The event was filled with evaluation of food products that have been commonly produced, discussed the quality and packaging, and given input on quality input seen from organoleptic.
Product development from producers in Kricak Market is currently limited to understanding and knowledge related to food safety and packaging. The current limitation is due to the age and generation gap in producers, which is currently mostly done by mothers over 45 years old. Limitations in the use of social media are also an obstacle to product marketing development. Seeing the need for these consumer demands through this training, the dedication team conducts training not only focusing on product improvement but also on marketing management, especially in digital marketing and brand awareness.
Based on the first day's socialization discussion, it was known that the products sold were predominantly made from wheat, so it was agreed that the next practice would be cassava-based snacks. Practical materials are making cassava dominoes and potato donuts. Furthermore, the practice of making Marble Cake and Corn Schotel. After making the two menus, participants were invited to find out more through exposure to marketing packaging, product excellence, and social media management. The last meeting was the presentation of marketing material by Mrs. Dewi Eka Murniati, S.E., M.M., Ph.D..
Those were some of the activities that involved enthusiastic participants carried out at the Socialization of Capacity Building for Snack Producers held at Pasar Pagi Jalan Magelang Karangwaru Tegalrejo Yogyakarta. In accordance with the information that has been carried out by the PKM team, activities that carry the study of Creative Industries and Family Empowerment with the aim of SDG's Responsible Consumption and Production. Through this community service training, it is hoped that market snack producers in the Kricak market can improve the quality and quantity of their product sales.