Achieve PKKM 2023 Grant Funding Department of Automotive Engineering Education Prepares to Become a Green Transportation Vocational Center

Proud news comes from Yogyakarta State University, especially the Department of Automotive Engineering Education (DPTO) which has succeeded in obtaining the 2023 Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) Grant Fund in League 1 along with two other Study Programs (Fashion Management Education Study Program and Management Study Program) and ISS-MBKM. DPTO received a grant of Rp 1.5 billion from the total grant received by Yogyakarta State University of 5.7 billion. The theme carried out by DPTO in the PKKM Grant in 2023 is “Strengthening the quality and competitiveness of the Study Program as a Green Transportation Vocational Center through collaboration and Internationalization of Study Programs”. Various activities have been carried out by the Study Program by involving the entire academic community within the Study Program and also industrial partners. The activities carried out by DPTO are of course always associated with 8 Key Performance Indicators (KPI), so that they can contribute directly to improving the KPI. There are 3 main activities and several sub-activities to support the implementation of this PKKM program in 2023, namely:

1. Development of Green Transportation Vocational Center to Improve Study Program Competitiveness

This activity aims to: a) improve the competitiveness of the study program; b) improve the quality of lecturers through lecturer internships at Dudi; c) increase the capacity of lecturers as green transportation experts through In House Training; and d) improve the quality of the study program through international collaboration. The sub-activities carried out to support the implementation of activity 1 are: a) Upskilling lecturers based on partnerships with industry in improving the quality of vocational learning; b) Capacity Building of Lecturers as Green Transportation Experts; and c) Training and Certification of Lecturers and Education Personnel at the National Level (BNSP)/International.

2. Strengthening Competence, Entrepreneurship, and Competitiveness of Graduates through Implementation of MBKM

The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the competence, entrepreneurship, and competitiveness of graduates through the implementation of MBKM. Sub-activities that support the implementation of activity 2 are: a) Industrial Internships and Educational Practices to strengthen Student Creativity and Innovation; b) Development of Auto Training and Product Development Center Green Transportation to increase student capacity and partnerships with industry; c) Development of Auto Edu Preneurship (AEP) as a center of excellence for increasing student entrepreneurship; and d) Strengthening Green Transportation competencies in students through partnerships with DUDI.

3. Strengthening Institutional Capacity Towards Internationalization of Study Programs

The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the profile of S1-PTO study program graduates towards the ASEAN Regional TVET Teacher and strengthening advanced electric vehicle technology to develop student competencies through partnerships with foreign partners. The sub-activities carried out to support the success of activity 3 are a) Strengthening the Profile of S1-PTO Study Program Graduates towards ASEAN Regional TVET Teacher; b) Curriculum Development and Outcome-based Education Assessment System to Support International Accreditation; c) Strengthening advanced electric vehicle technology to strengthen student educational competencies through partnerships with foreign partners.

The three main activities in this PKKM program can certainly be carried out as well as possible by DPTO. These activities can be carried out well due to the excellent collaboration between Lecturers, Education Personnel, Students, and also Industrial Partners. In addition, monitoring and evaluation are always carried out by the leadership so that when there are problems, they can be resolved properly. With this PKKM 2023 grant, hopefully DPTO can become the Green Transportation Vocational Center in Indonesia.